The River of Hope Mental Health Resource Center was established after Hurricane Katrina to provide education and support to children and adults who did not have access to other services. Staffed by volunteers specializing in mental health and trauma support and funded by private donations, the River of Hope Mental Health Resource Center offers free walk-in services including community education, counseling and telecounseling and referral to other resources.

The River of Hope Mental Health Resource Center is located on Claiborne and Alvar Street in New Orleans’s Ninth Ward. The Center’s community partners include the New Salem Baptist Church, faculty and students of Tulane University and St. Ann’s Episcopal Medical Mission.

The River of Hope project believes that no single type of service will be the best for everyone. Consequently, the project’s activities include identifying the necessary and essential services for each person through effective screening, education and advocacy. On-going specialty services include programs for children who have grown up in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Our telecounseling services are immediately accessible for interested individuals.

Contact Kari Reinhart at 612-251-2853 or

River of Hope Mental Health Resource Center
1600 Alvar Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70117

The “River of Hope” project is a part of the community service efforts of the Headwaters Relief Organization. For more information, please visit: