A Billion + Change is a national campaign to mobilize billions of dollars of pro bono and skills-based service by 2013 to address core issues our communities face across the country and around the world. Recently, Orion CEO and Headwaters founder was asked to write a blog post for their site on how volunteer  leadership opportunities were having a significant impact on our employees. Here’s a brief excerpt, and a link for your convenience. Enjoy!

An Organization of Leaders in Service

MARCH 12,2013 AT 11:09 AM

By Dr. Rebecca Thomley, Chief Executive Officer, Orion Associates. Dr. Thomley is the CEO of Orion Associates and its related companies. She has created and funded a nonprofit, Headwaters Relief Organization.

“I enjoy working with the other volunteers, and coordinating our efforts. You help each other while you are helping others.  It lets you try on new roles, practice leadership and discover talents in yourself and others,” said Mike Hardy, one of our most active volunteers in Orion Associates’ skills-based volunteer program.

Orion Associates provides its employees with opportunities for creativity, self-expression and the development of leadership skills through volunteerism. We have found that while helping others and building community through skills-based volunteerism, we benefit significantly from the leadership skills our employees develop.  Because our organization unconditionally promotes community connections, including paid time to pursue volunteer work, our employees have become passionate about volunteerism and the work of the organization.   For the rest of this post, visit Abillionpluschange.org here