Headwaters Relief Organization volunteers traveled to Haiti on October 7th , 2013 to deliver supplies and to purchase and deliver food for the various orphanages and schools we support. Our first stop was the orphanage we call “Johnnies”, its proper name is Orphelinat Refuge. There are 43 children being served by the orphanage now. We purchased food and delivered it along with clothing we brought from home.
Our next stop was Jaguar’s school and orphanage, The Bryant Institute Bi-lingual School. The school year had just started the week we were there. Jaguar expects approximately 150 children this year. Twenty children live at the school orphanage. We also purchased food for the orphanage and school. Our special donation was 2 peanut grinding machines that operate without electricity. They are mounted on wood so that they are transportable and easily used. We also brought peanut shellers and storage containers with labels translated into Creole. Jaguar wants to set up a peanut butter making operation. Peanut butter has become more popular recently especially for its nutritional value. The school wants to explore the possibility of selling peanut butter as a way to become more self-sufficient.
We visited a new orphanage, “Relief for Kids in Haiti”. We are calling it Marco’s after its proprieter Marc-Arthur Francois. Marc is the brother of one of the interpreters with whom we have worked. This is the first time we visited this orphanage. We bought food and brought clothes. Marco is very committed to a well-run orphanage. He has successfull partnerships with other entities and is developing a program to sponsor a child. He has 10 children and could serve up to 30 children if they were sponsored.
We also visited Dina’s orphanage, Compassion Attentive aux Orphelins and brought food and clothing.
Our last stop was Pastor Elysse’s school, New Grace School. We brought more blackboards made by our volunteer, David Comb. We are grateful for David’s contribution. We also brought clothes for Pastor Elysse’s family. Pastor Elysse has made considerable progress on a church he is building. The walls of the church are up but he still needs financial support and materials for a roof.