Headwaters Relief Organization is returning to Haiti on July 13th with a group of 10 volunteers. Over four years ago, after the devastating earthquake that hit Port au Prince Haiti in January 2010, Headwaters volunteers began providing disaster relief. Although whenever we travel to an area affected by a natural disaster, we find some chaos and overwhelming need, in the case of Haiti, that need was exacerbated by the pervasive poverty and lack of infrastructure. Our early experience in Haiti included asking the question, how can we truly help when conditions are so dire?
Since 2010, we have supported 2 schools and several orphanages that are forward looking, committed to the children and their communities and that seek to become self- sustaining. For them, this is not a short term process. For us, it has become a commitment to the people with whom we have developed relationships and a way to have an impact in one of the poorest countries in the world.
We will be taking school supplies for the upcoming school year for two schools as we have the past 3 years. We will also purchase books and uniforms for the schools while we are there. We will purchase food for two of the orphanages we assist. We will also conduct free medical clinics at the two school locations for the children and adults in the community. As always, we will provide therapeutic support for the children at all locations.
Please assist us in whatever way you are able. We need additional school supplies for the children including the basics such as notebooks, pencils and paper. We need money to purchase food for the children in the orphanages and for uniforms and books for the schools. One of the orphanages needs plastic plates and cups. We have a list of special requests if you are interested.
You can drop off school supplies at our office at 9400 Golden Valley Road. You can make a cash donation here.