Coaching and Teaching Life Lessons
Jason Hoffrogge, Orion Associates’ Training Director, has volunteered with Golden Valley Little League since 2011 where he has served as equipment manager, a member of the Board of Directors, and coach for his sons’ teams. With games or practice every night, he spends as much as 10 hours a week coaching and enjoys every minute of it. “I love being outside and around the kids,” says Jason. “I want the kids to have a positive adult influence, learn skills and be good people.” About using coaching to teach life lessons, Jason says, “Whenever there is some sort of comeback I try to use that as a lesson for the kids. You don’t give up, stay positive and teach them to be resilient in face of adversity.” This was particularly true last year when his traveling basketball team faced some big losses. “I reminded them that it was about having fun and enjoying the moment.”